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Ébavurage cryogénique

Cryogenic deburring is intended to remove parting line burrs on elastomer, silicone or rubber parts. But also in plastics, thermoplastics, with or without insert. The assumption is that the burrs to be removed must be as fine as possible and imperatively less than 0.5mm. But variations occur depending on its length, its hardness, its flexibility, but also its shape. We can remove a burr whose length is less than 0.1mm.


Cryogenic deburring consists of freezing the material at low temperatures, but always remaining below the breaking point of the material. These can go down to -145°C.


The parts to be treated are placed in a rotating drum cooled with liquid nitrogen and bombarded with cryogenic polycarbonate abrasives calibrated and specifically projected for each product to be deburred. The rotation speeds and treatment times will be adapted to the types of materials to be treated. This finishing process ensures a competitive manufacturing cost.


The principle of cryogenic deburring applies:

  • Rubber elastomers, silicone, thermoplastics and colored plastics with non-identical mechanical characteristics.
  • For small parts that measure from 3x3x3 mm minimum and up to 200x200x200 mm maximum.
  • To parts with inserts according to their base material.